Be a Traveller, Not a Tourist
Free city guides of all the major world cities including:
- Lisbon
- London
- New York
- Paris
- Rome
- Tokyo
- Sydney
- Madrid
- Istanbul
- Amsterdam
- Berlin
- Singapore
- Bangkok
- Hong Kong
How it works.
- First you need to download the FREE App and install it onto your android device (we will be adding IOS very soon so be patient).
- Once downloaded create an account.
- When you have created your free account confirm your email address and you are in.
- Watch this quick video or have a mess about yourself, it’s based around Google maps so we hope it is going to be really easy to use.

What does it cost?
This App has cost us a small fortune to get it to this stage. Hours of unpaid work and research not to mention the actual costs of hosting, paying for bandwidth and such.
But we believe that we can can build a community that could help us share the burden. That’s why we are going down the affiliation route. If you buy a quality, hand picked tour, ticket or experience ‘in-App’ we earn a few pennies or cents to keep our ship sailing.
You can also opt to ‘Go Pro’ for 0.99p per month which gives you the option of downloading the content you require to speed up your experience.

Map Based App
Let’s face it the days of turning up on your holidays with a paper map and visiting the local tourist information centre to collect a load of flyers have long since past. We all want everything, now, for free, in our pocket. Well here it is…EOThere.
Download the FREE App create an account and away you go.
Talk to us
Have any questions?
We are always open to talk, but remember this site is run by two very busy people trying to keep everything going, so we might take ages answering.
Unless you want to pay us for something or buy the app.
Yes if you want to make us rich we’ll talk.